#21daystofeelingfitexpress ~21 Days to Feeling Fit Express Launches Tuesday May 27!

THE OFFICIAL 21 days to feeling fit express structure:

The intention
The movement plan
The meditation prayer plan
The daily challenge
The daily affirmation
The social media group

The accountability

21 Days to Feeling Fit Express

21 Days to Feeling Fit Express

If any of these are what your looking for then you have attracted to this program into your life!

Set your intention and join the movement!



Every BODY is different and some of us need more than others. These individual needs are based on:

  • Stress level
  • Athletic ability
  • Ayurvedic constitution
  • Daily activity level
  • Personal preferences

Intro Meeting:

Tuesday 6:00 PM CDT

Call in at 6:15 PM CDT Tuesday, May 27 to conference in.


Code 322787

Upcoming Dates:

(see the event page)

  • 5/27~ Intro to the Nutrition Plan and Green Smoothie Party
  • 6/3~ Recipes, Healthy Snacks + Clean Eating Tips
  • 6/10~ Yoga, Zumba and Meditation
  • 6/17~ Lifecoaching Worksheets + Goalsetting
  • 6/24~ Final Meeting and Smoothie Party with After pictures!
Before and After 90 Days to Feeling Fit

Before and After 90 Days to Feeling Fit

The #21daystofeelingfitexpress Nutrition Plan: 
21 days that you can do in phases

Phase 1, 2 or 3. Everytime it gets a little more intense.
The first one is two Complete shakes a day, one clean eating meal off the plan and healthy snacks off the plan.
Stephanie Patterson says” I really like having the options! … start simple and go up.”
By starting simple and repeating what works we see results.

By doing the #21daystofeelingfitexpress over and over, if you decide to do so, could change your life. For instance if we do it 4 times, that would be 84 days plus an optional juice fast!

This program is structured to be extremely doable yet powerful and duplicatible on so many levels:


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