Asking the Good Questions

As The Spin Goddess, connecting our mind/body/spirit is a matter of balance.  S.P.I.N. is an acronym for Start Playing Intentionally Now.  Play is childlike and magical and keeps us on a level of creative action – it’s EASY!  The older we get, the more necessary it is for us to do the right thing; preserve and protect our life force and our families; see to it that everything goes without a hitch.  How exhausting it is to set ourselves up like that.  We know so much – but it’s not what we know-it’s how we USE what we know.  Balancing information and love, yin and yang, light and dark, masculine and feminine energies is essential for successful living.  It’s the left and right brain connecting through the 3rd eye of vision.

This is not mental gymnastics.  It’s learning to ask the good questions.  If you’re ready to take what you’ve learned from the past and blast off to the ever-unfolding next……what are you waiting for?

This is the PERFECT TIME to grow your work – your heart’s desire.  Enrich your life by birthing your Mother Energy.  Whole is the goal.  Soul-Infused action balanced with playful intention will let us see life as never before.  What do you see?

“We all need to be mothers of God, for God is always needing to be born.”
~Meister Eckhart

Visit The Spin Goddess (Kathy KinKaid) @

