Day 2-4 Gratitude Journal Summer Solstice

I am writing a gratitude journal for the next 30 days, join me!


I am grateful to be on vacation in a beautiful location with my husband and son. I am happy that were bonding as a family. I am grateful for my Juice Plus mentor giving us the use of her condo on the bay. I am grateful for sleeping in and waking early for sunrises.

Yesterday was the full moon, the super moon, and when the moon was closest to Earth, and this weekend we really felt so close to that moon being right in and on the ocean in South Padre Island. Rich and I woke before sunrise and headed straight across the island to the beach (it is only a few blocks wide from bay side to beach side). We watched the HUGE super moon fade as the sun rose, and it was lovely. We did a little yoga and took a few photos. I always do a dropback from Mountain Pose to Wheel every full moon as part of my personal practice, so wanted him to film that in the sunrise.

We took a funny video of  that I shared on my FaceBook of my falling right into the sand. My hands just slipped right out from under me! Then we retook another one, Ill upload it to my Yoga4Lovenet YouTube channel as soon as I figure out how to do that from my Mac.


The waves have been huge. We have been boogie boarding and hanging on the beach every day and went parasailing! My son and I went tandem and it was exhilarating, a little scary and really tranquil. He wanted to kick his feet around and it was freaking me out a bit though. The boat driver dipped us onto the water on the way back in and that was fun! We have ate really well, cooking sometimes, and going out. The week has passed and we are worn out from all the activity! We will return home tomorrow.


Our daughter will not get back from her choral tour until another week after we return! She is now in Canada, she called us yesterday briefly while she had reception on a boat to a castle in NY. Then she will be in NYC after a few days exploring the Big Apple. What a wonderful experience.

I am grateful for the books that have came to me and the lucid messages I have received in my dreams.


Lisa =-)

For our group reading:

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne and the original work (inspiration for Byrne’s The Secret) from the teachings of Abraham, called Money and The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks.



Mercury Madness?

While delays and misunderstandings do seem to happen, I’ve noticed a magical trend — that people and ideas return, for integration, resolution and more.

Mercury Madness?:

Mercury is the messenger, and in this time, the delivery is warped or the message gets lost en route. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. If you’re at all jittery about it, go ahead and back up your important files.

There can be delays, so give yourself plenty of time to get places. What happens in those down times? Mercury retro is known to be a time of ‘fated’ events — who will you meet? What will be revealed?

A Time-Out:

Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and reflect. Something from the past returns in a different form. People, ideas or buried insights that are keys to moving forward, float to the surface. Often it’s felt as a slowed down, contemplative time, and depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.

Err on Side of Caution:

There’s a long-held belief that it’s best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means holding off on signing contracts, and forming partnerships and alliances. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
All of the planets move in the same direction around the Sun, each with a different rate of speed.  Mercury’s orbit is 88 days long; therefore approximately 4 orbits of Mercury around the Sun equals 1 Earth year. —
Periodically, Mercury appears to slow down, then stop, (stationary retrograde) and then move slowly backwards for several weeks (retrograde).  Eventually, it appears to stop again and reverse direction (stationary direct) moving slowly forward once again (direct). Eventually Mercury appears to return to its normal orbital speed.
This occurs because Mercury travels faster than the Earth, and it periodically catches up with Earth, passing us by. When Mercury “goes retrograde” it does not actually slow down, stop and move backwards. It only appears to do so. This phenomenon occurs near Mercury’s inferior conjunction to the Sun—as Mercury passes closest to the Earth, between the Earth and the Sun. This phenomenon has to do with the relative speed of the Earth and Mercury as well as their relationship to each other at a particular point in their orbits. There are threeMercury Retrograde periods each year, each lasting approximately 3 weeks.

What does Mercury Retrograde mean?

In mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods.  Astrologically, the planet Mercury is said to be associated with or to rule all activities that relate to communications, travel, learning such as:

    • signing agreements
    • classes and schools
    • sending correspondence
    • communications equipment such as computers, radios, and phones
    • traveling and travel equipment such as cars, bicycles, trains, and planes

Classically, Mercury retrograde periods are not considered ideal
for engaging in Mercury related activities such as:

  • placing ads
  • making important decisions
  • travel
  • purchasing communications equipment
  • signing contracts
  • initiating business deals
  • sending important correspondence or any type of message
  • starting school or any important project
  • beginning any new enterprise (as plans may be reversed later)

A Mercury retrograde period is thought to be excellent for:

  • reviewing and revising plans
  • catching up on old business
  • cleaning out the metaphorical closet
  • deeply considering issues

like everything else in life, these rules are not steadfast and your experiences may differ from these generalities. Never let the planets rule your life! If you simply must sign a contract or begin a new job when Mercury is retrograde, go for it!

While some of us are very sensitive to Mercury cycles and find that certain activities become difficult during retrograde periods, while others experience no such problems. How you experience Mercury has a lot to do with planetary placements at your birth, as well as with current planetary positions. The best way to understand how Mercury retrograde periods impact you is to track your own experience. Check the dates that Mercury is retrograde to track how sensitive you are to this cycle.




Lisa’s Asana 101 | Dandasana Staff Pose

~ 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change ~

Staff Pose
Sanskrit: Dandasana

Benefits: Improves posture, strengthens back muscles, stretches the shoulders, stretches the chest, can provide relief for sciatia

Lisa’s Asana 101 | Dandasana Staff Pose

A great alternate pose for meditation. Active and relaxed. Yin and Yang. Nice. Love this posture.

More Benefits

  • Strengthens the back muscles
  • Stretches the shoulders and chest
  • Improves posture

Contraindications and Cautions

  • Any wrist or lower back injury

Preparatory Poses

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Uttanasana

Follow-Up Poses

  • Purvottanasana
  • Bharadvajasana I



Summer Fun Recipe Series with Lisa Ware

Green Smoothie Pops

Tasty Green Smoothie Pops

90 Days to Feeling Fit Summer Program with Lisa Ware held at Dynamic Yoga 4 Love Studio

2nd Sundays of the month 3:00 -4:30

$15 per Family | Grocery List Provided | Make and Eat or Take Home | RSVP

Snacks 4 Healthy Families

Smoothie Party + Greens Kids Will Eat

Back to School Dinner Planning 4 Busy Families

Delicious Smoothies Your Family Will LOVE to Make and Drink!Vegetarian Dinners that Taste Amazing! Yes It's True!


A Journey of Developing Success Habits

A Journey of Developing Success Habits
Goal Setting + Taking 100% Responsibility

As part of our 90 Days to Feeling Fit Program we invited guest speaker Rene Guerra, Founder RTG Coaching Local KBEC Radio Co-Host of ‘Life and Money Matters’ to speak about learning about ourselves. To recap the seminar we explored:

Goal Setting
Take 100 Responsibility for your Life; through the things you are responsible for creating in your life and how you can create the results they want with No EXCUSES! Getting out of the blame game and move forward in your life.

E+R=0 This equation of Event + Response + Outcome can significantly change a person’s life and give you an understanding on how each of us creates situations in our lives.

Developing Success Habits, exploring habits that can hold people back and or justify and discuss ways they can make improvements in the areas of our lives.

Empowering others to take charge of their life’s direction!

In Rene’s words:

Say “NO” to the good and “Yes” to the Great!

To explore these areas in your life please book a consultation with LiveLoved Lifecoach Lisa Ware or Alexandra Asirvadam. 469.437.1334

READ MORE about LiveLoved Lifecoaching + Energy Work

