Hello All! I pray all is well with each and every one of you.
As for me, I am souped up and ready to swirl!
Today I will be pulling from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy deck.
I ask: What would The Universe like to communicate to us as we travel through this day?
The universe is calling for us to remove negative thoughts and to break past behaviors. So often we get caught up in, ‘this is who I am’, that we lose sight of who we are becoming. Change is GREAT!
I had a conversation with The Ex where he was speaking to the life lessons taught in the book Ferdinand The Bull. Now I haven’t read the book so I am just speaking from the perspective of his words, but he was sharing how he values the bulls refusal to change or bend. For the bull to remain true to who he was in spite of what everyone else was doing…
This is admirable, but if you are not changing you are dying. If what worked so well for you before isn’t working anymore then you have to change. Change is growth. In each and every situation we become who we need to become in order to survive and thrive in that environment. But when we enter into new situations it is our duty to grow to the next level, rise to the occasion, and change even at the core level to again survive and thrive.
This is to be applied to every area of your life; everyday, moment to moment, case by case!
I believe that is why people have so many issues. They want to remain the same. All the social focus on this is who I am take me or leave me is derailing and divisive. Yes, none judgment is key, acceptance of others is essential, BUT change is also REQUIRED!
LOVE, is there a negative in love? No, not pure love BUT can you increase and grow and change and evolve in love? YES. My own personal definition of love realized changes daily. That doesn’t mean how I expressed love yesterday is wrong, it is just growth, it is just change, and it’s good!
I know we spend an entire lifetime getting to a point where we are comfortable in our own skin. We can boldly say, this is who I am and I love it. But I challenge you to reach deeper. Being firm in who you are does not call for you to become stagnant. Get better, get stronger, you have a solid foundation now build upon it!
So today’s card eludes to change. Taking a look at counter productive behaviors, ideas, practices, and philosophies, and remove them from your world. Just because you have thought, acted, or presented yourself a certain way for years doesn’t mean a damn thing! You deserve freedom and the opportunity to be your authentic self without influence of the past.
So cancel, clear, and delete those things that do not serve you. Our universal ability to manifest is amplified and accelerated so be mindful! Speak only good things, think only good things, be only good things. And if something not so good creeps into your headspace simply speak cancel, clear, delete and replace it with those things that serve your higher good.
I pray this message serves someone well. Be at peace!
Purchase your copy of What’s The Worst Best That Can Happen? from create space here..
Purchase your copy of What’s the Worst Best That Can Happen? from amazon here.
Purchase your copy of What’s the Worst Best That Can Happen? from Amazon Europe here.
Lonee Taylor
For prevention to be key preparation is essential
NOW cohosting The Brian ‘The Hammer’ Jackson show Thursdays 10 am PST/12 pm CST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/anarckey
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