Art Saves Lives

Valentines Day is the perfect day to introduce
“Art Saves Lives”! I hope this blog gives you a glance into the Art world and the Artist and Galleries emerging from it!
Art is a great way to show your love and affection for someone. It also doesn’t have to break you while doing it.
Prints is a great way to start an art collection whether that be a friend, family member, loved one, or even yourself.
I recently ran into art work by Curtis Kulig on the streets and store front of Urban Outfitters. Some of his “love me” prints are available and make an awesome gift.

Poster Child Prints has released these limited edition, signed Love Me prints by Curtis Kulig in time for Valentine’s Day. More information here: Poster Child Prints

I also have found love for Julia Watkins. She has metaphysically powered her art and jewelry. Whether you go with the Peace Tree or The Creation Tree another great print to collect or give. Her Jewelry is transforming. Try the Soulmate Energy Pendant.
Instead of flowers, candy, or even a card give buying an art a chance. Watch the face of another light up with joy and love.

Energy Artist Julia

Happy Valentines! There are many great art exhibits open during the month of February and the whole year. I will be posting a calendar soon.


Guru Purnima | Full moon | Lisa’s meditation notes from Shiva Rea

Guru Purnima | Full moon | Lisa’s meditation notes from Shiva Rea

Guru Vishnu gives us the sustaining power in the midst of a new cycle to make the right decisions. To navigate the course shred with the deep knowing. Coming from a deep place that lives in our heart for all of us. The teacher that is there with us and the ability to let go, providing a framework of the extraordinary wisdom of the difficulties of the death cycle. The letting go cycle.

Guru Vishnu
The power of the presence of the teacher to transform when we are in the last phases of a cycle.
Our teacher, the Shri, very essence beyond any conception, now may share whatever is on the most beautiful essence that is on my heart.

Tibetan Bells at Dynamic Yoga 4 Love Studio

The teachings must land in our heart. If we try to understand it will only land in our head. 
Open to the guru Of your heart. 
Christ consciousness, great mother, Shakt ma, Ishta  devata as One. Feel uour Sat guru, if you have one, a  great being unity within. 
Offering of prayer in each phase of the mandalas of your life.

The Teacher is one who knows the Truth
and can transmit this Truth to a humble one
by look, by touch, by thought,
The Teaching can only be given by the Eternal
and received by the Eternal.
This Teaching must be without words
and must land in your Heart.
If you try to understand, it will only land in your head.
OM Shri guru pur
Embodied guru:
The first guru the mother includes the father. Meditate on guru inside our parents and all they have taught you.
OM Shri guru pur
Teachings and clarifying wisdom s an anchor from root teachers.
OM Shri guru pur
Connect to our family members who are our teachers
OM Shri guru pur
Honor our dear dear friends throughout the and space to give us true reflections as the teacher.
OM Shri guru pur
Connect in your relationship as the power of our partner as our teacher. The qualities that make a powerful partnership in our intimate relationships. Those who aren’t in relationship honor that partner out there in the world as you are drawing closer to eachother.
OM Shri guru pur
Honor our children and animal babies.
OM Shri guru pur
Relate to all those beings who have helped us to evolve by asking us to use more of ourself to resolve with these precious jewels of these beings past or present.
OM Shri guru pur
Last phase of the mandala:
 Feeling nature as our teacher. Ocean, mountains, special trees. The places in nature that have been our teachers. universal meditation seeing the source in all beings and all creation. Preparing ourselves renew our inner gaze to see. Renew our inner ear to really hear the teachings this are everywhere.
Visit the power  places in nature.
OM Shri guru pur

Lisa in Sketch Lotus Namaste 3rd Eye

Ability and opportunity to change your altar on full moon. Honor what has transpired since last full moon. Guru altar honors the sustaining cycle that started at summer solstice. Any photos from guru mandala. Any of our cycles of the beings on our path. Any passages from those teachings. An opportunity to honor and thank. Our teaching spirit is One of liberation.
Identity in our teachings
Shakti Dashi to serve the world in all out teachings. Let go of trademarks. Honor where we received any unusual teachings always.
Sahaja  Sadhana honoring our self meditation.