Green Smoothie Pineapple Kale Ginger Lemonade

This yummy green smoothie is so refreshing! Plus, it is so full of nutrition and very clarifying for your body. Kale just makes me feel good!

1/2 Fresh Pineapple
Two to three large handfuls organic kale (freshly picked dwarf baby kale is what I used)
One half to one whole lemon peeled
1 ‘quarter size by 1 inch’ cubed ginger piece
2 to 3 cups of organic apple juice
3 cups of filtered /alkaline water
Add stevia if you’d like it sweeter.

Put all ingredients into a high-powered blender. Run for one minute on high. Scoop off any extra foam.



Organic Garden~ Heirloom seeded

IMG_5962Here’s our organic heirloom seeded garden! We expanded it by 4-5′ to the north and are still out of room for the incoming tomatoes and peppers Donelle is raising for us.


Planted so far:
Black seeded Simpson lettuces
Swiss chard
Rainbow chard
Spinach and another kind going in tomorrow
Dwarf Kale
Russian Kale
Red cabbage
Carrots and new seeded carrots
Turnip greens
Brussel sprouts
Collard greens
Sugar snap peas
Bok Choy dwarf – (Pak Choy)
Shelling peas (may be too late for them tho)
Blueberry bush in the middle
Gave everyone a big bath of dry molasses and an accidental five hour watering today

