Lisa’s Asana 101 Warrior 11 | Virabhadasana Vri

Pose of the Week | Warrior II
Sanskrit Name ~ Virabhadrasana

Virabradrasana 11~Lisa Ware, RYT

Virabradrasana 11~Lisa Ware, RYT

Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet, wielding a thousand clubs, and wearing a tiger’s skin.
Benefits: Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, Stretches the groins, chest and lungs, shoulders, Stimulates abdominal organs & Increases stamina

Lisa’s Asana 101

For this pose:
Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose
Taking 3-10 long, deep breaths in and out through the nose set your intention for practice today.
Exhale. Step back with the right foot all the way down the mat, placing heels in alignment and opening hips and shoulders to the long side of the mat.
Turn the foot to about One O’Clock, adjusting both hips so they’re level with each other.
Inhale. Reach arms out to extend level with the horizon.
Exhale. Soften your shoulders
Inhale. Gaze at a focal point at the front fingertips or a point past them, called a Drishti.
Exhale, Finding the focus of a Warrior.
Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, let go of the tension in your shoulders. Inhale, reach. Exhale, soften.
Inhale. Reach the arms up overhead, palms facing, turn your hips and shoulders to face the front of the mat coming into Warrior 1, Virabradrasana Eka.
Exhale. Release arms down by your sides while stepping both feet together at the top of your mat finding Tadasana, Mountain Pose.

Switch and practice Warrior 11 on the other side.

Focus over front fingertips. Inhale and expand in all directions.

Exhale and sink into the hips, releasing tension at the shoulders into the Earth below.

Inhale and lift back heel turning it to 6 O’Clock, exhale pushing off back ball of foot and step to Mountain pose.

Inhale. Exhale, Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale a long deep release through the mouth.
Bring your hands to heart center. Find your Drishdi or bring your focal point to the third eye or the heart. Sending gratitude out from your heart for all the blessings in your life.
Receive in all the blessings the Universe has in store for you.

*The practice of Drishti is a gazing technique that develops
concentration—and teaches you to see the world as it really is.
