So this is where the magic happens. I am so blessed to have created a life around this amazing sacred piece of land, and we get to call this home.
From chaos and destruction rises beauty and transformation.
If we didn’t have chaos and destruction we couldn’t become the diamond that Spirit created us to be. These experiences make us rip away the very fabric of protection and become real, if we choose to let it.
Now we have the ability to create a living from this piece of creation, which we own!
From the few acres I now broadcast my teacher training globally! I record my classes and share them with the world, I am creating daily through writing my first book, to publishing my Yoga 4 Love Advanced Training Programs Online 200 manual to hosting video chats with like-minded souls every day.
I get to call this my office! I share health and wellness with everyone I meet and through this vehicle.
Spirit is pouring abundance into my family, my friend, my circle and it is growing exponentially daily! Income is flooding in just like the river.
So I sit. And pray. And express my gratitude.
Then I teach others how to do the same.
What a joy to live this life. This lifestyle isn’t for the special, the talented or the privileged, it is available for everybody and I’m willing to commit my life to show you how. Make a life, not a Living.
Peace, Love + Light~
Lisa Ware