Not out of the Woods, but great news! Free Meditation and Audio Yoga Classes!

This last few weeks have been really emotionally trying, as my mother in law had a traumatic brain injury. She had been in a drug induced coma like state for over three weeks in the ICU. It has resurfaced the deep loss of my own mother.

We really have had no idea if, or when, she will come out. Until today. My husband went to visit and his dad was there too. She was not given any meds for about 30 hours and she is breathing on her own without the treach.  Yesteday she responded to simple commands from my sister in law. Today she squeezed their hands, smiled, TALKED and asked where her other daughter was. She even lifted up to give her hubby a kiss! And she smiled and was being silly, showing how she can point her toe!

Thank you all for your prayers. It is miraculous.  She will remain in ICU until the therapists see fit to move her to a special unit for long term care. We are so grateful that she is still there, or has come back from the great abyss. The family was not ready to let her go and the prayers have literally turned her prognosis around. 

I had lost faith last Friday and called my dad balling. I told him how bad she looked and that I did not see how she could turn around. I truly am in awe. I have prayed, meditated and send her Reiki every moment I thought about her every day since the fall on 10/2/13.

Meditation has been the solid foundation of my practice for over 13 years, even more so than my asana (physical posture) practice. I know that may be hard to believe, because you know how much I love doing yoga. Meditation is a space that you can always retreat to, a place to connect to your inner self and to something much greater than yourself, however you see that connection is up to you. You will be open to interpret anything that comes to you however is perfect for you at that moment.

Give it a go. It just may change your life in a positive way!

How about trying guided meditation? I have uploaded a few FREE Audio Yoga and Meditation classes HERE.

Join us Saturdays 8:00 AM  at the studio. It is a simple 20- 30 minute meditation for all levels. No experience required! We just began this journey, with many requests from YOU.

The first Tuesdays of the month we hold a Goddess Angel Circle Guided Meditation.

Please come on Tuesday,  from 8:15- 9:00 PM (Held directly after 7:00 PM Hot Yoga Black Light Rock Your Asana).
