The Earth is coming alive! What is your intention for this next cycle?

What is your intention for this next cycle? It is SPRING!
Have you shed off the winter and moved into this new cycle of birth? The Earth is coming alive! I encourage you to spend at least 15 minutes outside every day. I have a rhythm that makes me go outside, I have brought my 2 horses onto our land as of last fall. My son and I built a hotwire fence with help from the hubby and we have a lovely barn that they stay in at night next door. Getting outside daily really helps keep my body in sync with the circadian rhythms of the seasons, the sunrise and sunsets and I see the stars every clear night. So refreshing. Come to our retreat and spend some time out here with us this summer!
My daily life has drastically been altered since last month, my son is now active duty Navy, and he is in bootcamp right now, as I write you. I have had an upheaveal of bittersweet emotions and with that stated I have added a few things to my Self time. One is beginning my study as a Shamanic Practitioner. This was on my calling for years, and the time is now for me to begin, I started with an intense weekend training the weekend before my son left. I have had a lot of tears and letting go emotions! So much more difficult than I imagined.
Taking my first Shamanic training has been so grounding. I am so thankful for the tapped in, turned on comnnection I have received with my sister Goddeses and Sprit. This has really brought me through the difficult emotions of my first born leaving the nest. The permanance of the Navy is such a dramatic way to go, and he was in shock factor for the first month, as well. No phone, no personal affects, no calls for 2 weeks, and only a few letters.
As in Kali energy, the chaos is how my life rolls. BUT ahhhh… the beauty she brings. My next weekend Shamanic training is this weekend! So looking forward to it.
Affirmations for Spring:

What are you clearing? What are you embracing? Journaling is an integral part of my daily Sadhana, and if you are looking to add to your daily time for self care and do not know where to begin read more about Sadhana.

Ayurvedic practices have been another way to delve into taking care of Self. I mentioned one before to you, massage with oil, a practice of Self care called Abayangha (oiling part or the whole body with intention).
The other one is Nasya, and is really super simple. It is an herbal blend of oil that is placed into the nose and sniffed in to effect the brain and olfactory senses immediately. ? It is really powerful, there is a lot of Eastern research on this practice.

Taking time for YOU this season is number one priority.

I would love to meet with you on video chat and do an affirmation creation session, an angel card reading, Reiki healing or some life and nutrition coaching! Book a time with me! Let’s chat!

See you online or on the mat soon!


Peace, Love + Light, 

