Lisa’s Asana 101 | Tittibhasana | Firefly

5 MINUTES 4 POSITIVE CHANGE | Tittibhasana | Firefly

Sanskrit: TittibhasanaBenefits: Stretches the inner groins, stretches the back, strengthens the arms, strengthens the wrists, tones the belly, helps improve balance.

Lisa’s Asana 101 | Tittibhasana | Firefly

This pose most likely cannot be mastered in 5 minutes, however there are many poses and modifications that help prep the body and mind to FLY!

To prep for this pose some related asanas and poses for prep are:

Malasana Pose to open the hips

Tolasana to build core strength

Bakasana~ Crow Pose

Gorilla / Monkey Pose

Start in Firefly Prep:

Lisa in Firefly prep

Bring your hands on the mat, fingers wide or begin with the hands behind achilles tendon, thumb and forefinger making an L cupping behind the heel.

Inhale as you lift your belly button to spine and exhale with Udyhana Bandha to maintain the lift.

Look forward and place elbows under thighs, so that the back of the thighs are resting on the triceps. Begin to take one foot out and point the toe to the corner of the mat as you straighten your leg. Keep lifting the inner core to the sky, and utilize the breath to carry you up on the inhale.

Replace foot and switch.

When you are ready take both feet out, pointed toes, as you rock forward. Keep leaning into triceps to maintain lift. Look up, inhale and straighten legs as you fly!

To come out, bend knees and replace feet next to or in front of hands. Come back to Hero’s Pose and rest.

Finish in Childs Pose, letting go of any expectations.







