Super Sweet Green Smoothie | Pineapple, Baby Kale and Dates

Lisa's organic garden; turnip greens, broccoli, chives, spinach, cauliflower, kale, chard, lettuce, carrots, peas, brussel sprouts and bok choy.

Lisa and Rich’s organic garden; turnip greens, broccoli, chives, spinach, cauliflower, kale, chard, lettuce, carrots, peas, brussel sprouts and bok choy.

The smoothie I made this morning and salad last night was all such a  lovely harvest of greens from our garden! After yoga class I shared my smoothie with a fave student. She loved it, and I trust you will, too!

Lisa and Kim after Rock Your Abs Yoga enjoying a green smoothie!

Lisa and Kim after Rock Your Abs Yoga enjoying a green smoothie!

I <3 Yoga4Love!

I <3 Yoga 4 Love!

Freshly Picked Salad! Baby Kale, Spinach, Red Leaf and Black Seeded Simpson Lettuces

Freshly Picked Salad! Baby Kale, Spinach, Red Leaf and Black Seeded Simpson Lettuces







Super Sweet Green Smoothie | Pineapple, Baby Kale and Dates

1/3 Fresh Pineapple

3 Medjool Dates, pitted and kinda chopped

2/3 Blender-ful of Greens of choice:

Baby kale, Lettuces (I usually dont use lettuce), turnip greens, spinach + all the stems you pick off that dont go into your salad, swiss chard, broccoli etc.

2 C Organic Apple Juice

2 C Water (alkaline or spring is best, if available)

2 Scoops Juice Plus+ Complete Vanilla Meal Powder

Use a high powered blender and blend on high for 2 minutes.


Lisa and Rich’s organic spring garden is in Zone 8 North Texas and includes turnip greens, broccoli, chives, spinach, cauliflower, kale, chard, lettuce, carrots, peas, brussel sprouts and bok choy. Freshly Picked Salad, mmm!





Peppermint Healthy Fudge

Peppermint Healthy Fudge


1 1/2 cups organic coconut oil
1 1/4 cup organic agave
1 cup organic cocoa powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/8 scraped out vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
1-2 drops doTerra peppermint essential oil (make sure your essential oil is therapeutic and pharmaceutical grade)

Warm coconut oil until liquid. Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Pour into baking dish and spread evenly. Place in fridge to set up, then cut and enjoy.
Thank you Nydia Darby for the recipe! It is so yummy!


Just one dose of coconut oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performance



Chocolate Peanut Butter Super Committed Green Smoothie

Lisa | Green Smoothie Cheesiness

So I named this one ‘Super Committed’ because I LOVE KALE! Really. I do. I feel so great when I eat it raw, so I love it even more. I crave it. It makes this unexplainable freshness in my body and gives me long lasting energy. I think that is why it tastes so good to me. It just takes commitment…

But it is like the old saying, you have to develop a taste for it. Just like beer. But beer, I still do not like. I can have a bottle and it will sit there by me at a party the entire night, and I will totally forget about it, and then it gets warm and nasty. So, I prefer wine. However this smoothie is ALCOHOL FREE. Feel free to add vodka, just sayin’, make sure it is organic.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Super Committed Green Smoothie


Frozen peaches

Fresh or Frozen Pineapple

Kale, I prefer the large curly Kale, as the baby kale doesnt seem to have the same amount of ‘zest’ that makes me so clear, however if you are starting out, use baby kale, or even spinach, if you are starting on the green smoothie quest

Almond milk

Peanut butter, natural

Chocolate Juice Plus Complete protein powder

Agave Nectar, optional, for starting out, not-so-committed green smoothie drinkers. =-)

Whip it all up in a high powered blender and drink! It is an entire meal and is so delicious. Well, to me at least.

Richard | Over actor? Nah.

Note: Drinking and laughing may cause green smoothie to come out your nose…

Really? Is it really that bad? I think not.

To my hubby, well, not so much. He tried it before the agave nectar and this is what we got, ‘wOW, that is like drinking the garden… wOW…’ (I did put a LOT of kale in it).

You decide. I think it is delicious.





Chicks, kale and yoga, oh my! Spring Equinox 2013… Lisa’s amazing adventures

Bonfire Peach showing off on Spring Solstice with mini daffodils

My day began before sunrise. I woke to my alarm to get my 4th grade daughter up for school, then went outside with my two little dogs, Yaapana (AKA mini dude), the blonde deer Chihuahua and Cherry Flame, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (with the fluffiest feet in the world!). They love, love, love to go out at 5:50AM with me. Today the sky was still dark and I walk in my fuzzy robe, with them out to the chicken coop. The 28 baby chicks are almost 8 weeks old now. They are all huddled together sleepily under the heat lamp, so I snuck in from the outside so as not to freak them out. I slowly opened the tiny door so they can get to the outside of the coop. They begin to arise and the dogs really want to go in. Nope. I get out, close the fence and go look at my budding peach trees and the momma bluebird with sitting on her babies; then come inside. I see she went back to sleep, so my hubby woke her this time. He is leaving very early. He runs a company called The Fish Physician aquarium maintenance, design and installation, so he is off  before dawn today to beat traffic. I make us two tea cups of hot water with 2 drops of this lovely DoTerra lemon essential oil to get the liver cleansed and awaken the day.

I get her out of bed and she gets dressed, then she begins flat ironing her hair. Yesterday she slept in benders, so it was super curly, now not so much. (BTW~ She is a FASHIONISTA, as I was informed yesterday. (And ‘Why don’t you wear your new Mac eyeliner to teach your yoga class, mom, you’re a Fashionista, too. Ot maybe I got that from Mimi, as she always matches.’)

I make a rice cake thick with peanut butter and some honey. I sit with my lemon water and am about to eat it, then decide before I eat I will go outside and  to do a little pranayama on my empty stomach (breath work) and see the sun rise on this lovely equinox! It was getting lighter but the sun still wasn’t up so I came back in to find my food gone! I hear this really, really loud smacking and find that Cherry Flame is having a lot of trouble trying to hide that she ate my peanut butter breakfast. UGH! Again!!!

I check on my daughter, she is STILL flat ironing her hair! Seriously. I tell her it is time to have something for breakfast. She eats organic Fruit Loops style cereal standing up, with soy milk, in the kitchen. I give her 4 Juice Plus chewables for some decent nutrition then I go wake my Freshman son. I turn of his ‘white noise’ fan, tell him that when the alarm goes off to get and immediately get in the shower. He says ok. We hurry in the car to drive up our long white gravel driveway to the street to meet the bus. We miss it, but luckily it circles back and she gets on. The driver is so kind.

I go inside and I’ll be darned if he didn’t turn the freakin’ fan back on and bury his head under the pillow! I get him up, now only 22 minutes until his bus arrives and he is FULL of testosterone this spring morning and ready to fight. I get him into the shower, thank the Lord. I go outside, and it is finally sunrise!!! Yea! I watch the sun, so pretty. Yaapana gets a sudden burst of energy and begins racing around and around the tree and patio, as I encourage him, ‘GO MINI DUDE!!!’ He is so damn CUUUUUTE!

I return inside to check on my son, who is taking a leisurely shower. Do I dare knock and piss him off, do I pick that battle on this lovely Spring day? I am patient, and went instead to make some instant alkaline coffee, so yummy. He comes out of the bathroom and I ask him to get drest quickly so he can eat. He asks me to take him. I say no, its far to the high school and I dont think that is necessary. Just hurry and make the bus. He gets madder. Geez. Then I give him the Juice plus, since he refused to eat. It become a fight. Really? He ate 2 of 4. Ok. Im good with that, and I zoom him up to the street as the bus is coming down. He is so spoiled and has no idea. Ungrateful, but I love him so. He’s my firstborn, and he is pretty cute sometimes. When he wants to be. I back down the drive (I am really good at backing up, BTW) Ding ding ding… look down at the gauge, I am out of gas.

I go back inside. Finally alone! Ahhhh. Now, where’s my coffee? I never made it! Oh man, I need to finalize the newsletter my manager created! It needs to go out for Spring Equinox! I edit it, send it, then look at the clock, Oh my gosh!!! My yoga class starts in 20 minutes and I am still in my robe!!! I get my yoga clothes on, threw on my Mac powder and eyeshadow. Sorry honey, NO EYELINER… this is why I don’t wear it, not that I dont want to… and grab my iPhone. Coffee!!! Really? OK I grab the hot water, dump in the instant coffee, cream and a stevia and a Gluten Free berry bar, then jump in the car. 14 minutes. I rush to the studio and arrive just as one of my regular students is pulling in. 2 minutes to class. I greet her, prop open the door on this lovely spring day, get my iPod set up and mat out. PHEW. Then I enjoy some of my coffee. Ahhhh. I set it by the stereo and thank the Lord again for my timer on the thermostat that heats the studio for me!!! My other students arrive, all a little late. We do some pranayama (I never got to do my practice this morning) I lead them through a fun vinyasa flow for the abs with a core ball and work on arm balances and inversions. SWEATY deliciousness. Super humid today.

After class I get on my computer and do some edits in my studio software and make a phone call to a dear friend. I thought that the Chamber of Commerce meeting was today, and so am rushing to get done by noon. Noon passes, and I blew off the meeting, and then notice it is actually next week. Ah, great! So I finish my phone call, chat about ideas on how I can bond with my son, and decide to take him to a Festival in a Cave with my hubby. It is in May, just before he turns 15. Richard and I are presenting at this festival, OMVibrations, doing Acro Yoga and Chakra Master Class. We will have opportunity to camp and think it is a great idea to bring him as the music lineup is Stellar! I go into my spa and hook up my super awesome alkaline water machine to the faucet!!! IT works! I down a few cups in a row. Ahhhh!!!  A student had a friend that GAVE me a machine FREE for two years until I can buy one!

I finish my computer work and then my student arrives at the studio to clean! Yea! Spring Cleaning! She is on our Work Program an energy exchange for services, a win win! My daughter texts me, she is on the bus coming home. I jump in the car, as to try to meet her. She beats me, but she’s 10, no worries. She wants a friend to come over. That is fine. We chat and go outside to eat a picnic. Well, not really a picnic. McDonald’s. Yes, really. I had stopped by there on the way after she texted me. I reached out to get my change and a huge gust of wind came! $7 flew off like a leaf! I looked at the guy and he looked at me. I was like, well, now what? Then I looked back and the two people behind me are out of their cars trying to help catch it for me! What awesomeness! I get out and we find $2. The $5 is long gone, someone’s lucky day. Then I thank them and head on to meet my daughter.

So… here we are at our picnic in our backyard outside with the waterfall view. We place two chairs in the sun facing west, and relax with her Honey Mustard dipping sauce and my Filet-o-fake-fish. (I forgot to eat today, except for the GF bar.) Oh, and I got a half and half sweet tea. As we get all relaxed, and just then my HUGE dog Ted E. Bear lumbers up and sticks his super wet nose between us, getting us all gross. He is so cute, my 14 year old Golden Retreiver, weighing in at about 130 pounds. He is very over-sized, and about 4″ taller than most goldens. He does not want food. He wants LOOOOVE. More wet noses then we throw some fries to buy some time. We finish our picnic and I swear to myself to make a green smoothie later to balance out this totally unfulfilling lunch.

Soon I have to meet my electrician, we are installing Far Infrared Sauna Heaters this week in the studio!!! I am so stoked! I drove to Houston over Spring Break to meet my other BFF there, pick up the heaters, and drive them back the next day to my studio!

Macho Macho Yoginis | Lisa and Jenny after loading the huge box of far infrared heaters in the SUV headed to Dallas

He measures while my lady finishes cleaning. I asked her to pull everything away from the walls in the lobby and lounge and leave it after cleaning so we can rearrange. My sweet receptionist arrives to help me rearrange. It was in total disarray as the Pilates class began arriving. The electrician finished measuring so the ladies all could get on their mats, as they had no where to wait. They start class as we finish the lobby and lounge. It looks amazing, I must say!

We are wrapping up the mess of the redecoration as my Lifecoaching client arrives. She is doing the 90 Days to Feeling Fit detox and doing an awesome job at the lifestyle adjustments. Every week she is losing weight, tracking her food, making green smoothies, doing yoga, happy and motivated!

I taught my evening class, this series is  7 weeks on the Chakras. We are on week 5 between Lent and Easter, the throat Chakra, Visshudha. This is the communication center, and I focused on sound connected with the asanas, breath and throat/ heart openers. It was really intense, and something really felt like it was wanting to be released. We utilized tools I have learned from a few master teachers combined. Chakra Balancing sun salutations from Anodea Judith; Prana Flow and feeling the energy in the pose from Shiva Rea; Goddess to the Core HA breath from Sierra Bender, Chakra Sounds in Chair pose from Dr. Jeff Migdow. I combined all these into an intuiative class that was really enlightening and fun! After my class we had a new class Total Ripped Body, and there were a few new ladies that came to her class! Yea!

I went home and as I pulled down the drive and got out; I saw the brightest star! I opened my StarWalk app to see what it was. Wow. Amazing. I walked in and my daughter surprised me with two trays of homemade cupcakes with Giradelli Chocolate chips shaped like stars! AND My hubby decided to totally redo the aquarium! Wow! How great! Where was my son? Ah, yes, on my laptop in his bed. Ah, the teenage years…

Lisa’s Green Smoothie | Namaste Ya’ll!

I decided now was the time to make that Green Smoothie! So, I got out all ingredients; the frozen peaches and pineapple, kale, almond milk, peanut butter and chocolate Juice Plus Complete protein powder.

I whipped up that baby while Rich put her to bed. I even threw in some chocolate chips, since they were right there on the counter. The smoothie was so good, exactly what I needed.

Richard | Seriously it is not THAT bad!

My hubby didn’t think it was as good as I did. I had to add a good squirt of agave nectar to his.

Time for my shower, and today is a great day to do an exfoliation. I came out as pink as a baby hamster. Re-Mineralize with Arbonne lotion, then to write my blog. Bedtime, my sweet family is all fast asleep.

Goodnight Equinox.

Until Autumn, Namaste.


Craving Sugar – 5 ways to fight your addiction (includes a healthy anti-craving recipe)


I am and forever will be, addicted to sugar. I try to fast, eat greens, avoid sugary products but…the sugar always wins. I have laid the blame game on my Dad giving me sweets as a reward when I was a kid and society as a whole using sugary foods like candy, cakes and sweets as a reward for good behavior, having a birthday and every damn holiday. Deep down, though, I know it’s not any one’s fault but my own. Eating sugary foods feels good. When I eat something sweet, my brain is happy. I’ve just stimulated the release of dopamine in my brain, which makes me feel pleasure. And lately, I haven’t been feeling that much pleasure so I eat more sweets.

As a child-less woman approaching her 40’s, I have been feeling rather off lately. Not sure where I fit in or how I got to be this old. And so, I eat sugary foods. But they only last for so long. For years I have battled my sugar addiction. At times, I drink more alcohol (pure sugar with some not so good hangovers) and other times, I satisfy my cravings with healthy options. Lately, I’ve been satisfying my emotional needs with unhealthy sweet options. As I yo-yo my way through my emotions, my overall mood remains the same, unsatisfied. It’s only when I remember to go back to those things that work giving me long lasting pleasure, not the short-lived pleasure sweets give me, that I begin to feel a satisfied and able to take on life’s challenges.

When I go back to the “healthy” options, overall I do feel a little better. I may be still struggling with my age and if I’m keeping up with the Jones’ but at least I feel better. So, when you having one of those god-awful sweet cravings or also struggling with this thing we call life, try one of these solutions before you give in to the sweet addiction:

  1. Drink water when you want something sweet: The majority of time that you are craving something sweet, you are actually thirsty. If you can just wait a few minutes or so and let the water reach your body, your craving will actually go away. If it doesn’t read on…
  2. Find out what makes you happy, what releases dopamine, and do more of that: For some this could be playing with their kids, hanging out with their significant other, walking in the woods, shopping, exercising, sex, or whatever leaves you with a smile on your face. I’ve found just the simple act of taking a deep breath, sometimes helps me to feel better. Hugging someone, giving someone help, smiling at someone, all of these things release dopamine and thus make me feel better.
  3. Don’t keep things around the house to tempt you: If you have to get out of the house, drive or walk somewhere, to get your craving, then you are less likely to give in. Seems rather simple, but it’s surprising how many of us (me included) keep buying foods we know are not good for us and keep those in the house.
  4. Eat something green: It sounds counter-intuitive but when you eat more greens, you are getting more vitamin B-6 which helps to elevate the serotonin in your brain. Serotonin helps regulate your mood and if it’s low, good chance you are feeling low as well.
  5. Give in, a little: What does that mean? That means, allow yourself to have something a little sweet. I like to buy carob chips. They are malt-sweetened and a handful (or two) really does the trick. I also bake very healthy treats (see recipe below for some amazing brownies) and then eat one a day.

Cocoa Brownies (from a Clean Start, 2010, by Terry Walters)

1/2 cup grated apple or applesauce
8 pitted dates
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup brown teff flour
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F and lightly grease 8X8-inch baking dish.
  2. In food processor, combine applesauce, dates, banana, maple syrup, and vanilla until almost smooth, but with some chunks of date remaining.
  3. In separate bowl, combine teff flour, almond meal, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Pour wet ingredients into dry and mix as briefly as possible to incorporate all ingredients.
  5. Transfer to prepared baking dish and bake for 25 minutes or until top appears slightly dry. Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool completely before cutting and removing from pan.

Makes 16 “ooey, gooey” brownies


Hot Pink Green Smoothie

Hot Pink Green Smoothie!

Ok so I’ve been making green smoothies for a while now. This one is one of the best yet!

And it’s not green, it’s hot pink!

Hot Pink Green Smoothie Ingredients

Raw beets are an excellent blood purifier and coconut water is packed with minerals and electrolytes and how many breakfast you know that taste great and contain raw carrots and beets?
A 450 calorie breakfast That has four servings of fruits and vegetables, 15% plant protein, and good fats in the cashews. ~Adapted from the 8 Week Menu Planner

1 1/2 cups coconut water
1 large carrot cleaned (from our garden!)
3/4 cup water
1/2 of a organic large beet with all greens
1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight with the water
1/3-1/2 cup chopped Medjool dates
20 frozen strawberries
3 tsp good vanilla
2 tbsp sprouted flax seeds (I soaked mine 2 days then rinsed carefully and added)
4 tbsp yogurt or kefir

Hot Pink Green Smoothie | High Powered Blender

Puree all the ingredients for two minutes in a high-powered blender. Make 2 quarts. So, so yummy!!! Enjoy!



Broccoli Berry Blast Green Smoothie


1 large stalk Broccoli
2 -3 leaves Kale or 3 big handfuls spinach
1 Banana
2 C Frozen Berries
2 Oranges, peeled leaving as much as the white pith on it as possible
1 large spear of Pineapple, frozen
1 large squirt Agave Nectar

Blend In a super high-powered blender for at least two minutes. Add more water and a little ice, if necessary.
When was the last time you got all these fruit and vegetables into your body in one day?
Enjoy your boost of energy!


Kale Chips with Sea Salt and Vinegar

Kale chips are so easy and a huge hit. They are costly if you buy at the health food store but SUPER cheap to make and so simple!
If you grow a row of kale then you will have an endless supply. Seriously. Enough to share with your entire yoga studio!

1 large bunch of kale, all stems removed, torn into 2-3″ pieces
1 1/2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
2 Tbsp Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt

Preheat the oven to 375F. In an extra large bowl Toss all day ingredients together with your hands. Arrange the kale pieces into even layers onto two rimmed baking sheets.
Bake 10-12 minutes Until the chips are deeply browned around the edges. Cool completely before serving.

Note: Kale chips from deeply browned to burnt in a flash …watch them very closely! Make sure they get nice and crispy by using a salad spinner before you toss them with the oil and vinegar.


Adapted from the book The Pure Kitchen by Hallie Kletcher


Yoga 4 Love’s Famous KarmelKorn

Lisa’s Famous KarmelKorn

1 Box each Rice Chex and Corn Chex

Snyder’s of Hanover square butter pretzels (omit if going Gluten Free)

Brown sugar

Light Karo syrup

Vanilla Extract

Whole popcorn (you’re going to make it homemade) or 2 bags of popcorn, cooked.

2 sticks Organic Butter

Baking soda

SmartBalance Oil

Organic Pam Cooking Spray

Cook the popcorn on the stove. Cover the bottom of a large pot with a light layer of oil and 2T butter.



Heat the oil to Medium High and add one kernel. Cover with a screen and wait for it to pop.



Add a layer of kernels filling most but not all of the bottom in a single layer. Let it pop, listening for it to slow down to a few pops then a second between. Shake around a little and remove from heat.


Let it pop a few more times then remove from pot by scooping out, not pouring so you don’t get any duds. (Duds really stink in KarmelKorn, and your dentist will appreciate this tip.)

Use 3 large mixing bowls and 2 large baking sheets lined with foil and sprayed with Pam and 2 wooden spoons and salad tongs sprayed with Pam. Have all ingredients ready.

Add 1/3 of the popcorn to each bowl, then several cups of each cereal, then use all of the pretzels splitting evenly, don’t pour the last bit so you don’t get a ton of salt in one bowl. Fill bowls 2/3 full of the mixture. You will have some cereal left but not a lot. Heat oven to 275.

Get a large saucepan and heat 1  1/3 stick of butter on medium heat. Add 1  1/4 C of brown sugar and stir until it begins to melt. Add 1  1/4 C Karo Syrup. (I really don’t measure, if it looks too buttery add more sugar). Turn heat up a bit and stir until it gets bubbly. Add 1t Vanilla and stir it in, making sure everything is melted. Turn heat off but keep pan near warm burner.

To get the Karmel to coat the dry mixture here is the trick, add 1-2 t Baking Soda. 1 t at a time. Watch it get puffy, and lighten in color. If it is not very puffy then quickly add 1/2 t more until it almost puffs to the top. Pour equal amounts over the 3 mixtures splitting up but very fast, scrape all out with a spatula. Then quickly get the 2 wooden spoons and mix as best as you can. If its too dry make a 1/2 batch and pour the rest over it and remix.

Lots will spill so snack away. =-) My dog loves this part.

Then pour the batches into the baking sheets in a layer not too thick. You may need a third baking sheet (or 9×13 pan or you an cook another batch after the first is done).

Put the KarmelKorn in the oven and wait 15 min or so. If it looks a little darker then its time to stir. Salad tongs are great. Mix it up (out of the oven!) and eat all that spills.




My dog loves this part too. My kids do as well. Put it back in for another 5-10 min to coat evenly then remove. If its cold outside you can set the pans out and it will harden almost immediately. Otherwise, wait a little, and try not to eat too much.

Wash and dry the three sticky bowls.

When hardened, but still pliable, take the foil and KarmelKorn off of the sheets.





Next, in one fell swoop, attempt to break it up into a bowl. Do this for the remaining Korn. Seal the bowls (mainly to prevent your family from eating it before you get to bring it to the party.)

This recipe stores great in gallon ziplocks and is lovely to give as a gift.




Coconut Milk & Berry Green Smoothie

This is a wonderful way to get tons of whole food in your body. It’s delicious, too! Makes 2-3 large servings.

Coconut Milk Berry Green Smoothie

1 1/2 C Fresh or Frozen Pineapple (I buy fresh, cut then freeze)

1 C Raspberries

1 C Blackberries

3 C Fresh Organic Spinach

2 Scoops Juice Plus+ Complete Meal Powder

3 C Coconut Milk to cover all ingredients. Mix in a high powered blender on high for at least 1 minute. If it gets too frothy let sit a bit before drinking, if you prefer (coconut milk tends to froth up more than soy or almond).

Add a fresh blackberry and raspberry to top.

