Expanding Our Horizons

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a scary thing. The comfort zone is, well, the place where we are most comfortable and without a sense of risk. It’s good to expand out of the comfort zone for personal growth. Once you get past the invisible comfort zone boundary, you expand your comfort zone – your only limits are yourself and your doubts.

Two wise yoga teachers have told me “thinking’s hard, don’t think, just do it.”  They are right. When it comes to things that we perceive as being tough, we sometimes manage to think ourselves out of doing it. By over-analyzing our day, our minds can come up with a myriad of excuses not to do something we consider a challenge.

This week, I challenge you to expand your horizons! Try something new. Step out of your comfort zone at least once. This weekend would be a perfect time to do so. Haven’t tried acro yoga? There is an acro workshop this weekend at the studio! Acro not your thing? Try something else! Send an email and tell me what you’ve done that’s new and exciting – manager@yoga4love.net. This is your opportunity to inspire others!

Enjoy your week!


