Simple and Effective Breathing Techniques

Many people find the active lifestyle that they lead causes tension and irritability. Lack of sleep, multi tasking and eating fast foods is a contributor to building up stress and toxins in our bodies. When daily activities begin to take a toll, the emotions begin to become affected. Reactions may not be well thought out; people become much less pro active.
By taking a few simple breaths these symptoms and stressors will dissipate. One easy and attainable breathing technique to use is called 3 Part Breath. To access this breath, simply find an easy seated position. Sit evenly on both sits bones and lift the spine through first the heart and then the crown of the head. Create space between the vertebrae. Relax the chin so its level with the earth. Sink back into the tail bone while releasing pressure on the lower back.
Now, begin to focus on the simple sound of the breath. Soften the any areas that are holding tension, feeling any habitual tension drain into the earth. Breathe through the belly, through the chest, to the top of the lungs feeling breath up through the crown of the head. Slowly release, reversing the flow through the nose, through the throat, the chest and begin to squeeze out through the upper abdominals, coming to no breath. Squeeze out any tidal volume of remaining CO2. If comfortable, pause without breath. Utilizing the pelvic floor muscles, feel the breath again rise inhaling through the nose, the belly, the chest and pause at the top of the breath. Then slowly release. Continue this pattern as long as is enjoyable, listening to the sound of breath and letting go.
Three part breath can be practiced during any activity, and brings our awareness to situations or thought patterns that disconnect us from full breathing, even while driving. As few as three breaths can make a measurable difference. As this breath becomes more natural, more awareness will begin to come into view. This will enlighten and call attention to when the breath is retained, and then can be released. We are simply energetic beings down to our very atom. It is stated that within two years almost every cell in our body will be replaced. Through connection to breath we begin to realize that we are mind, body, and spirit are it is all interconnected.


Lessons in Leading a Healthy and Fit Lifestyle

Most every American desires to be healthy, happy and lead an active lifestyle. Many people lead sedentary lifestyles. Driving, sitting at a desk or spending hours on the computer can take its toll on our bodies. We may intend on increasing our activity level with daily activity, but until that intention takes priority it will not just happen. As Nike says’ JUST DO IT’ and the new part two to that slogan, if you have yet to see it is ‘Every Damn Day’. Really.
Our level of discomfort with our bodies may motivate us to make effort to increase our activity level, if we are not uncomfortable, then it even more reason to get moving. Eventually if we do not move we will get stiff, tight and more prone to accidental injury. Our motivation may be a genetic predisposition to disease, such as arthritis, breast cancer, heart disease or any other life threatening condition. Even if you’re already lead a fairly active lifestyle, this should not be viewed as taking place of regular exercise done with intensity and focus.
Setting this desire to get exercise in to your life is going to require a personal commitment to yourself. Maybe getting up earlier to hit the gym or leaving to take a lunch hour fitness class. Nothing great is achieved unless something is given. Your efforts equal your results. However these little daily efforts begin to mount up and then the results will suddenly begin to flow!
Most importantly, be encouraged to step away from your comfort zone and try something new every day. This will prevent old patterns from taking over and reroute the neurotransmitters in your brain, preventing the onset of many degenerative diseases of the mind. One way to meet all these fundamental physical and mental needs is through a regular yoga practice.
There are many researched benefits of yoga, as it is a 6000 year old practice. To name a few, immediately you will see an increase in attention span and focus. Within the first month you will gain better balance, increase core strength, and learn to achieve mental relaxation without external stimulants. These benefits are increased and multiplied with Hot Yoga, as we have seen with our experience. We heat the studio space to a toasty 95-99 degrees and maintain a high humidity level of 65- 70%. We also add ionization to the air to help the nasal passages and airways become clear. This practice is a great detoxification for both the body and mind. Hot yoga increases the body’s ability to access the muscles and ligaments deeper than in a cool room; the practice increases stamina and endurance translatable to many other areas in life. Strength is gained, bone density increased and the simple pleasure of achieving something great is a wonderful reward.

Stand Up Paddle on Joe Pool Lake
