*As Spin Goddess,
I help extraordinary people, like yourselves,
use eye-opening techniques
to LIVE meaningful, full-bodied, extraordinary lives
……..  What Are You Becoming? ……..
In our practice of BEING the full-bodied extraordinary humans that we are,
we sometimes bump into who we have played at being for a very long time.
This person is who people expect to see.  How would this ever change without all
hell breaking loose?  It hasn’t been a lie, this person.  It’s just not been the whole
truth.  Now you can’t be yourself with them.  You’ll have to get new friends.
But wait….there’s another way.
…. “Be Yourself.  Everyone Else is Already Taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde ….
This you that you’ve been playing is one of the MANY aspects of you.
A “description” that works on many levels, but misses the mark when it comes time
to share how you REALLY feel.  It’s like overcoming a language barrier within yourself.
… Being Willing To See Things Differently is the Key …
In this fierce new world, a deepening awareness of your WISDOM SELF is THE best start.
Through SPIN Coaching, learn to
* Remain Centered Through Change
* Shift Context For Better Understanding
* Explore Key Strategies For Order in Your Mind and House.
I believe we learn by doing
~ and we’ve learned a lot.
Busy-living blurs the vision provided by the obvious and the metaphysical (not yet formed).
Both stem from our innate goodness and are here to help us.
I believe we’re all connected.  
Why not help each other out by
* radically awakening;
* going deep through meditation;
* keeping it sharp by knowing what we’re up to.
Let me be your Personal Transformation Guide.  
You have much to learn from your own experience!
Experience is self-perpetuating.
Shifting it takes power.  Power is knowledge in action.
Intentional change doesn’t happen accidentally – or overnight.
It’s a process and circumstances are your curriculum.
Let’s frame them like a master.
Balancing the internal and external lives we lead by
connecting our intentions to our actions
leads to a world that works smarter not harder.
With SPIN Coaching you will strengthen connection to your WISDOM SELF and
to the WISDOM SELVES of others.  
We’re developing a broader WISDOM CULTURE!
 S.P.I.N. = Start Playing Intentionally Now
Join me, Kathy KinKaid aka The Spin Goddess, 
Each Thursday Evening 7-8:00 for Practical Mysticism in 
>>>>>    HOUSE OF SPIN   <<<<<
@ the Beautiful Unitarian Universalist Church in Oak Cliff 
3839 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas
Collaborate to THRIVE!
* 2nd Thursday Guest Speakers
* New Moon Card Readings
Starting in January =
*1st Thursday OPEN MIC – come sing/say/OM with us!
