How to Make Kombutcha


Get or start a SCOBY
Place in a glass jar with a little of the original kombutcha tea
Measure how much your new jar will hold
Boil that am20160707_21383420160707_22405020160707_213742ount of water
Add a few tea bags (I use Lousianne)
Add organic sugar, use 1/2 C per quart, approximately
Stir Cool completely (or you can kill your SCOBY)
Add the tea to the glass jar with the SCOBY
Leave room at the top so the SCOBY can ex
pand and grow.
Cover with a cut tee shirt or clean rag. Cheesecloth isn’t an option as it let’s in fruit flies.
Secure with a hair or rubber band.
Place in a cool dark area.
Leave it alone!
It takes about 3 weeks. Cold weather slows down the process.
You can swish it around if the SCOBY gets a dry patch.
The SCOBY will get really thick and then you know all the sugar has been converted. You cab taste it with a spoon to see if it’s not set and if it’s fizzy. If so it’s ready!
You can leave it longer and you can grow more SCOBYs. The babies will produce off the bottom of the mother. They forest so they will come down and you can let them get thicker. If you want to split them so you can make 2 batches next time do so with your fingers very carefully. If they don’t come of easily don’t tear the mother. Let them sit longer back in the closet.
Once the batch is ready to pour off for drinking then save some of the tea with the mother to make a new batch.
I had two different starters. One from a friend and another I created (grew) from the bottom of a purchased bottle of Holy Kombucha from which I saved all of the bottom part then added 1 C of hot tea (completely cooled) and 1 T sugar. It took at least a month to get thick enough to use to make a batch.
The sugar will not make your final kombutcha tea sweet, it’s there to feed the SCOBY. Don’t worry it’s not an exact process.
If you want to have flavored kombutcha then add 2/3 kombutcha and 1/3 organic juice. You can be creative!
Once you remove the SCOBY and pour into jars you need to refrigerate it. You can also refrigerate the SCOBYs to stop the growing process.
Google all the benefits of this amazing fizzy probiotic drink!


Peace, Love + Light~

Lisa Ware

Gluten Free Zucchini Bread


Here is a really healthy and tasty version of the basic zucchini bread recipe.

1 huge zucchini, shredded (I picked this from my garden, use 3-4 regular IMG_1530
sized zucchini)
4 organic free range eggs
3 C  GF Flour (I like Namaste Foods)
1 T Saigon or good Cinnamon
1 T Mexican Vanilla
2/3 Avocado Oil

1 t baking powder
2 t Himalayan pink salt

1/2 t ground ginger

1/8 t grond cloves

1 t organic nutmeg

1 C Chopped pecans or walnuts
1/8 C Rice Milk (to thin batter, only if needed)

2/3 C Juice Plus Vanilla Complete Powder ( for added healthyIMG_1527
benefits of 40 plants!)

Shred zucchini, I use a salad shooter that I have had since the 90’s! (look on eBay) or use a zucchini spiralizer and the chop).
Use a grater if you don’t have either one of these above tools. Add the eggs and the rest of the wet
ingredients except the rice milk. Mix the dry ingredients and mix with a whisk or fork. Add to wet ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Scrape the sides of the bowl and decide if you need to add the rice milk. The batter will be very thick but should stir fairly easily. IMG_1528IMG_1529
Place into 2 bread loaf pans. I like to use the silicone bread loaf pans and the stoneware pans best.
Bake at 350 for 55 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Check well that it is baked in the center before removing from oven!IMG_1531

*Test after 50 minutes, ensure that it it not gummy in the center. Add 5-8 minutes at at time to continue baking until the center is totally baked.
For a non vegan treat top with Kerrygold Butter!

For a vegan bread remove the eggs and use 1/2 c applesauce and top with Earth Balance soy free or coconut oil buttery spread.


A True Story About a Client Diagnosed with Dis-ease and the Curious Facts about Juice Plus

For the privacy of my client the name has been changed and the conversation has been paraphrased.
Hey can you cancel our order/recurring payment. John is having stomach problems and doctor told him to stop taking all supplements. Thanks!
I was wanting to start a short dialogue about John. I am really surprised that John’s physician told him to stop supplements, but not really. The medical industry has a lot of growing to do when it comes to health and prevention, as you may agree. At the risk of sounding however this may sound, PLEASE realize I have your best interest at heart. I do not care about a sale, I am a health professional and have seen many, many people HEAL entirely from eating a plant based diet. We may not realize that most doctors only have one semester of nutrition, and it is impossible to know all the supplements out there.

However, I also want you to know the facts. Juice Plus is in fact not a supplement at all, it has a Nutrition label, not a supplement label. I’m sure his doctor had no idea about this. Another important thing for John is that Juice Plus is the most widely researched nutrition product in the world! There are over 35 Clinical published peer reviewed studies on the results. Most of us need more fruits and veggies, and it really concerns me that at a time in his life when phytonutrients are at the UTMOST of importance, healing from dis-ease, that he decided to quit eating the very thing that will help heal his body.

Many people actually double and triple up their caps in times like this. And they heal! My dad was on chemo, radiation and at the mid stages of cancer treatment. We did this very thing, tripling his red, green and purple capsules last summer. At the end of 5 rounds of chemo and 28 rounds of radiation he did not even lose his hair! And he was up walking about with us, going to shop and dine in Grapevine, TX at the end to celebrate.
I wish this for John. I do hope you share this with him.
Please research for yourself. I read a lot on the web, and a lot is people’s blogs. I trust proven research, that is why I am such an advocate for holistic healing.
Here is the link to the published clinical results.
Please let me know what you feel. If you would kindly respond I would really appreciate it. Regardless, your order is cancelled. I just wanted you to learn the facts.
Much love to you both, I am here if you want to utilize my services in any way. Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!

Beauty Technology Health Food Tech


Please stop my yoga membership, my doctor told me to stop. I have some chronic inflammation in the lungs.


Breathwork and yoga are important for the healing of the lungs. Have you questioned your doctor about the reasons why your health professional may have told you to stop doing yoga?




Please take control of your health and ask questions. Yoga is shown to increase lung capacity and many other positive benefits. I would be curious to find out what the reason a doctor would not want this for his patient.


What are your thoughts?

Do you believe in nutrition?

Do you have to believe in nutrition for it to work?

I encourage you, too, to view this video about the facts about whole food and the Juice Plus company.

Do you want to help? Are you ready to take action in your own life? Are you ready to be an advocate with this movement of Health and Wellness? NOW is the time!

Lisa Ware
Lifecoach, Health Coach and Advocate for Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World!

Full Blue Flower Moon, May 2016!


The full moon is upon us! For me this is always time for manifesting the seeds that I have planted. Some years ago, some newly planted. I can feel the energy raise and my prana responds to this pull. This surge of energy keeps me ultra focused.
To be focused we first must have a target. If you are unsure where you are going how will you know when you get there? Or how can you enjoy the journey?
Recently, I have acquired some new lifecoaching clients. I love working one on one with people, and using the countless tools that I have been exposed to. I am delighted to help others find their focus, refine their life, create balance. If this sounds like something you would like in your life, then I would love to visit.
I am offering my time and talent to help others, and together we are raising the vibration of this planet!

Full Blue Moon Show!

On Saturday, May 21st, at 7:00-7:30 PM CDT , The Old Farmer’s Almanac and Slooh are teaming up to bring you a live look at the seasonal Blue Moon through Slooh’s Canary Islands Observatory.

During the live broadcast, Slooh Host, Paul Cox, and Slooh Astronomer, and Astronomy Editor forThe Old Farmer’s Almanac, Bob Berman, will be joined by Janice Stillman, Editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. They’ll discuss what exactly a Blue Moon is, how this particular Full Moon got the name “Full Flower Moon,” and even how the placement of the Moon was once a key piece of evidence in a murder trial.

On the same night, The Full Moon hovers just above Mars. Mars is at “opposition” with the Moon and hasn’t been this bright or close to us for more than a decade!

Connect to the miraculous ebb and flow of nature as caused by celestial bodies; moments of wonder we all take for granted but are no less delighted to be exposed to again and again.



10 Day Shred Challenge~ Cleanse, Detox and Clean Eating


10 day, fuel repair recover
Many of you are looking for ways to tone up so you look and feel great all year long. Due to busy schedules, sometimes drastically changing your diet permanently is out of the question. We’ve come up with a quick and healthy way for you to detox and get your body feeling GREAT. It’s called the 10 Day Shred and we think you are capable of doing ANYTHING for 10 Days!

What exactly would your 10 day plan consist of?

Watch this video to learn about this 100% whole food lifestyle plan:

10 Day Shred Video


The rules:

Gluten free, dairy free and caffeine free for 10 Days.

Eat your Juice Plus trio of Orchard, Garden and Vineyard Blend in a capsule or a chewable.

Eat Clean. 1-2 healthy meals and clean snacks.

Drink two Juice Plus Complete shakes a day ad a meal to lose weight, as a snack to maintain and detox.


What next?

Go online and order your fruits, veggies and berries trio and your shakes. They will arrive in about 5 days!

Call or Email us to get a free session with a coach.

Choose your start date.

Get connected on Facebook with the public group and your new coach.

Start your shred with the secret accountability group!


What else do I get for signing up? 

FREE personalized COACHING

Access to be a part of our awesome online Facebook support group!

Free downloads of all your support documents for the plan: Whole Foods Eating and Shopping Guide, Meal Planner, Green Smoothie Recipes, weekly tracker, measurement form, tons of recipes and more!



Why do we love Juice Plus+® Complete Shakes?

It is a Dr. Approved whole food, vegan, non-GMO, low Glycemic based whole food drink mix that provides a balanced meal in every scoop. It contains 13 Grams Protein and 8 Grams of fiber, a blend of vegetarian proteins, sprouted foods, sea minerals and calcium and B12. It can be used in any number of way: as a healthful “on-the-go” breakfast, post-exercise energy drink, post-workout recovery drink, or as a healthy snack. And it is super tasty! Check it out!


Order your 10 Day Shred Challenge Today!

*Once your order is placed, please Contact Us to set up a virtual meeting with your coach or call 469-437-1334 .




We Must Choose Joy! Raise the Vibration, starting with ME!

These last few weeks have been really incredible, going from all ranges of emotion. I lost a really good friend who was murdered. I wrote a blog about her, if you want to hear my dedication to her.
I spent about 4 days really lost in my thoughts. It took an intentional shift to pull me out. I have decided to help found a charity in her name. I am working with some others in the fitness industry and her family. I would like to call it Missy Bevers Foundation for Children with Special Needs.
In the meanwhile, as all this develops I am moving forward and choose joy! I have celebrated one year of my father’s passing on May 1, Beltane. That ol Irish chap decided to cross on one of the oldest Celtic holidays and it took me almost a year to realize this serendipitous timing.
I also decided that since my nutrition business is going so well that it was time to go green and get a new car! I got a brand spanking new Toyota Prius 4 with the moon roof and alloy wheels. This baby is amazing, going over 800 miles on a $15 tank of gas! It can even parallel park for you!! no hands, for real. The inside looks like a cockpit! (I also said hello to a new cell carrier and am saving a ton off at & t and we all have received new phones… it’s the little things…)
Lots changing, tons of new people in my life, many older relationships are getting deeper and moving to a new level of sisterhood.
We recently held a women’s sacred circle and it was amazing. To hold this space for myself and others takes dedication, and we all have committed to continue to do the work to raise the vibration of ourselves, and therefore our planet!
Speaking of raising our vibration, are you ready? Reiki 1 and Reiki 11 are coming up and now is the time to treat yourself to this life-changing healing energy!

In Honor of Missy Bevers, My Friend and an Amazing Woman

Missy GC photo

Monday was one of the most traumatic days of my life. My friend was murdered. I just taught my am yoga class and my phone kept buzzing. When I checked it my friend Betsy asked if I saw the news, of course I did not because I don’t watch the news. She said a bootcamp instructor was killed at a church in Midlothian and we both knew Missy taught an early bootcamp at a church. She had met Missy through me at our the slumber party last year, for my daughter’s birthday. The girls are just a few days apart. We held it literally the day after my dad died, 5/2/15 because it was already planned and in place. We ‘broke in’ my brand new Yoga 4 Love Cabin with twenty four 10 to 13 year olds!

I immediately said I need to call Missy’s hubby and check on her and hung up. I called Brandon and he answered. I asked if Missy was ok and he just paused and said, “Well, Lisa, no, no she isn’t.” I was like what do you mean? I thought he would say that she was in the hospital. I asked him and he said, “Lisa, she’s gone.” I lost it and I said how sorry I was. He was still driving back from Florida, he was going to go fishing and just got a car and took off back home with a friend renting a car and driving. He said he was heading into Shreveport then home. I tried to call my hubby and he did not answer.

I called Connie, we all three, Missy, me and Connie were pregnant together with her sister in law Kristi and a few other friends. We did so many girls activities together. Field trips, school events, homeroom parties, soccer, basketball and so many slumber parties. She and I just cried together. I was standing on the deck on my cabin overlooking the river which had just flooded, crying, spitting, snot-ing, wailing and she said she was coming to get me. She already knew and had not sent her daughter to school. She came to pick me up because the middle girl in the Bevers family and our girls are best friends and she wanted me to bring over my daughter. Unfortunately, before we could get to the school my daughter found out and called me sobbing.

We got the three girls in the car and talked to the Middle School policeman for a moment. Meanwhile, some more details of the murder came about and the girls were in the backseat huddled and crying with Connie. I spend the next 3 days with the family with my daughter.

We had an amazing candlelight community vigil on Tuesday night at the local elementary.

Today, I feel like there is hope. I know that this is never going to be fully understood. But my role is to bring light and hope and help leave a legacy in her name.

I spoke to Brandon and I will meet with Connie after the funeral. We are starting a charity in her name for children with special needs. This was something that was very close to Missy’s heart and the family does not want money or food. This is a perfect fit.

I will keep you all updated and we will also have something up on facebook soon. Meanwhile, if you want to donate in lieu of flowers for the funeral Missy you can bring or mail a check for the Bevers girls to Citizen’s National Bank of Waxahachie.

The funeral is at Cowboy Church Waxahachie, Saturday April 23 at 11:00 am.


***NO MEDIA is allowed. DO NOT EVEN TRY!***
